Welcome to My Crazy Uncle Dave's Podcast (May Contain Strong Opinions and Mild Regret)
Welcome to My Crazy Uncle Dave’s Podcast, the show where common sense and controversy collide.
Join your host, David Brown, every week (give or take) as he dives into the topics people think about but rarely say out loud. From the absurd to the infuriating, the hilarious to the downright baffling, no subject is off-limits.
Most of the time, he will bring in friends, thinkers, professionals (and the occasional troublemaker) to chat with. Other times, it’s just him, armed with a microphone and a questionable filter.
Expect unfiltered opinions, a dash of mischief, and the occasional moment where he'll wonder if he's just tanked his career.
Will he get cancelled? Possibly. Will you enjoy it? Probably.
Subscribe now and let’s see how long this lasts.
Foreign. Welcome to my crazy Uncle Dave's podcast. I'm your crazy Uncle Dave and well, this is my podcast.
I started this show because everybody has a crazy Uncle Dave that sort of shows up on holidays and says really inappropriate things and, you know, is, is quite old fashioned and you can't take him anywhere and it's like, oh, that's just Uncle Dave. That's pretty much me.
So I wanted to start a show where I could dig into topics, say inappropriate things, and say all those things that people have in their head but are afraid to say out loud because they're worried that they may get cancelled or they may get in trouble at work.
So I'm going to take that burden for you and I'm going to address topics that I see online or hear in the news or maybe over here in a cafe or maybe it's just that stuff that I talk about with my friends that, you know, generally people don't talk about in public. So expect the unexpected. The show comes out basically once a week, although I will put shows out just as soon as I can.
And yeah, let's see where it goes from here. Maybe I'll get canceled, maybe I won't. That's part of the fun.
So subscribe to the channel, get updates when new episodes come out and see if there's anything that you fancy listening to. And if you like it, please tell other people about it. And let's see if we can get the show growing. Anyway, we'll see you on the other side. Bye.